The Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel means in Hebrew the strength of God, גַַּבְרִיאֵל, and is mentioned in the Bible along with Michael and Raphael. According to Jewish legend, he is responsible for bestowing the souls of newborn children, and has therefore been attributed with the gift of conception. He was also the angel who moved the stone of Christ’s tomb, possessing the aspect of the angel of resurrection.

He is related to the element of water, the west, winter, the moon and his day is Monday.

His relationship with water links him with emotions, fertility, the arts, creativity, purity, birth and resurrection.

Her relationship with the moon and the occult gives her the power to grant revelations and to go deep within ourselves to know what our mission in life is and to be reborn to it. Being the angel of purity, he helps us to realise our innocence and to feel like children again with our pure emotions and feelings, that childlike purity that we lose with time and the vicissitudes of life. It is the archangel of Yesod, the sefirah of the foundation.

The astrological signs for which he has special sympathy and care are: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

To empower the energies of the archangel Gabriel in our lives it is important to use his seal or amulet together with a consecrated white candle.

The seal or talisman can be used to call upon him at any time or together with the candle when asking for his help.

It is possible to ask for his help, among other things, to:

  • To become more pure and innocent, and for our life to be more pure and innocent.
  • For conception.
  • To deepen our feelings and recognise which ones help us.
  • To have revelations.
  • To be reborn, to be born again to the new that is to come.
  • For resurrection, when we find ourselves sunk and need to rise from the ashes.
  • For the arts and creativity.
  • For fruitfulness.
  • For giving water to our projects so that they flourish like plants.
  • To know our mission in life.
  • To give purity to our actions, our feelings or to those around us.
  • To return to the innocence of our childhood.
  • As the archangel of Yesod he gives us stability and foundation.

The archangel Gabriel and the zodiac

The archangel Gabriel is associated with the element of water, therefore he rules the signs of that element, namely Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; although anyone, regardless of their sign, can ask him for help.

In the article on archangels I explain that according to different beliefs, some consider the existence of 3, 4, 7 or 10 archangels. Usually four archangels are considered for the four elements and seven archangels in total according to many cosmogonies. If we consider seven archangels, the main sign ruled by the archangel Gabriel would be Cancer, and this is recorded in numerous hermetic writings.

Emotion, sensitivity, empathy, imagination are typical endowments of the water element, they tend to be very protective, and given to demanding protection. They tend to be mystery lovers, introspective, with a good inner richness. So we can enhance all these qualities with the help of the archangel Gabriel.

People who are dominated by the water element can have the problem of being trapped in the darkness of the deep waters and get carried away by emotions and lead to irrationality in their actions, madness or depression. All these negative aspects can be balanced by working with the archangel.

The relationship of the elements, the archangels and the zodiac goes back a long way, to early Sumerian and Babylonian times. The civilisations of the ancient Near East studied the relationship between the stars and man. In fact, the origins of the zodiac are lost in the mists of time. The word comes from the Greek zodion (little animal), designating the celestial part that the sun travels through in a year, being divided into twelve parts or signs.

Experts suggest that the Zodiac was invented by Babylonian astronomers, however, Sargon I of Akad (around 2334 BC) had an astrological work and from Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC) it became a common scientific-religious practice (source: “dictionary of magic in the ancient world” Ana M. Vazquez Hoys. Óscar Muñoz Martín).

The zodiac represents the wheel of life (Zoe- life, diakos- wheel) and was related to the seven known planets in the beginning and later to the seven archangels in many traditions.

The magical tradition endows each planet with a magic square and an intelligence, a talisman or protective pantocrat can be created by putting together the squares of the seven planets.

The Egyptians, according to Budge, took the zodiac from the Greeks, and the Greeks from Babylon. The zodiac seeks to create an archetype similar to the tarot, creating a model for understanding existence, which is exactly what kabbalah does, hence its use and relationship in magical kabbalah.

The archangel Gabriel and his magic candle

The archangel Gabriel’s candle is used to get in touch with his energy and all that it brings. Whenever we want to give soul to a situation, when we seem to be living life like robots, without purpose. Also to grant us the resurrection of some aspect or situation in our lives, when something seems dead inside or around us, the archangel Gabriel can help us to rise from the ashes.

Water being his element, he helps us to get in touch with our emotions, analyse them, discover them and get to know them, even overcome them.

It also helps us to realise our innocence and to return to our tikun or life path or to find it. In short, it brings us back to the purity that we all have within us and that we so often lose without realising it.

In short, the archangel Gabriel helps us in everything that appears in his properties, in short:

  • To become more pure and innocent, and for our life to be more pure and innocent.
  • For conception.
  • To deepen our feelings and to recognise which ones help us.
  • To have revelations.
  • To be reborn, to be born again to the new that is to come.
  • For resurrection, when we find ourselves sunk and need to be reborn from our ashes.
  • For the arts and creativity, for fertility.
  • To give water to our projects so that they flourish like plants.
  • To know our mission in life.
  • To give purity to our actions, our feelings or those around us.
  • To return to the innocence of our childhood.
  • As the archangel of Yesod he gives us stability and foundation.

The candle of the archangel Gabriel is ritualised according to tradition and can be ordered on this link

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