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Aries is one of the cardinal signs and at the same time a fire sign; it is also the first sign of the zodiac, which is why it symbolises the beginning, the creation. It is characterised by being a person brimming with energy and enthusiasm; advanced and adventurous, they love freedom, challenges and new ideas.

Aries are fast-acting and confident in their power, so they don’t waste time thinking about problems, in fact, their way of solving them is action. A negative aspect of this attitude is sometimes impulsiveness and lack of patience, as well as taking too many risks. They cannot stand mistakes or failure either.

They are independent and almost obsessed with getting what they want in life, which is why they can seem overly ambitious and frivolous. It is very easy for them to be offended, and when this happens, it is extremely difficult to make peace with them.

In their personal relationships, Aries tends to be noble and natural; they value and care for the friendships they have, even if sometimes, they may hurt the sensitivities of those close to them. Finally, Aries tends to have a high sexual libido: they love with great passion, because sex is an adventure for Aries.

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