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Virgo is a mutable and earth sign; represented by a virgin, it is a sign characterised by its critical spirit, precision, reserve, patience and conventionality. It is also logical, methodical and applied, likes to learn and is able to analyse the most complex situations with astonishing clarity.

As you are the perfectionist of the zodiac, from time to time you fall into obsessions of all kinds: from obsession with order, to cleanliness, to obsession with details. Their sense of responsibility is highly developed, which is why they hate improvisation and frivolity, and they need to feel secure in order to develop fully.

Virgos are friends of their friends; if you need their help, ask for it and they will do everything in their power to help you. Besides, their vision is likely to be the most accurate, so you can be sure that it will be of some use to you.

In love, Virgo is an affectionate, devoted and faithful person. Passion is not their strong suit, but their romanticism, attention to detail and tenderness are surprising and make up to some extent for their lack of decisiveness. As a parent they are the most devoted in the zodiac, and as a partner as well.

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