The Main Tarot Decks

  1. Rider-Waite-Smith: The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck is perhaps the most widely known and used tarot deck in the world. It was created in 1909 by illustrator Pamela Colman Smith, under the direction of academic and mystic Arthur Edward Waite. The deck is notable for its colorful, detailed illustrations and its emphasis on symbolism.
  2. Thoth: The Thoth tarot deck was created by occultist Aleister Crowley and artist Lady Frieda Harris in the 1940s. It is a highly symbolic deck that incorporates elements of the Qabalah, a system of Jewish mysticism. The Thoth deck is known for its complex, abstract illustrations and its use of astrological and alchemical symbolism.
  3. Marseilles: The Marseilles tarot deck is a traditional French deck that dates back to the 18th century. It is characterized by its simple, iconic imagery and lack of elaborate symbolism. The Marseilles deck is a popular choice for those interested in historical tarot decks or those looking for a more minimalist design.
  4. The Fountain Tarot: The Fountain Tarot is a digital tarot deck created by artist Carey Pietsch. It is notable for its vibrant, colorful illustrations and its focus on diversity and representation. The Fountain Tarot is available as a print-on-demand deck or as a digital app.
  5. Wild Unknown: The Wild Unknown tarot deck is a contemporary deck created by artist Kim Krans. It is known for its striking, abstract illustrations and its focus on nature and the animal kingdom. The Wild Unknown deck has become popular in recent years for its modern, minimalist design and its appeal to a younger audience.

There are many other tarot decks available, each with its own unique style and symbolism. Some tarot decks are based on historical decks, while others are completely original creations. No matter which deck you choose, it is important to find one that resonates with you and speaks to your personal beliefs and values. So, these are the main tarot card decks that are popular among people.

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