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Taurus belongs to the fixed signs and is simultaneously an earth sign. The projection of the Sun at their birth usually influences them to be firm, determined and constant in many ways. They also love to feel security, that is why they seek it so much, it is like a constant need in their lives.

A Taurus is determined, pragmatic and has enormous willpower. They tend towards conservative ideas, and because they like stability so much, their ideas are fixed, there is no way to convince a Taurus of anything that goes against their principles or what they think and feel, so stubbornness is another of their most evident characteristics.

They have a great ability to avoid conflict and unpleasantness, they certainly prefer to solve their problems with pragmatism; they also have a good sense of humour. However, when they lose their temper, they are capable of flying into a rage and displaying a terrible temper.

Taurus are sensual people who idolise beauty, fidelity and care; however, the downside is that they tend to possess. Their romantic nature makes them enjoy feeling their partner’s love; sex for Taurus is ultimately the manifestation of the devotion they feel for the person they love.

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