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Pisces is a mutable and water sign, it is also the last sign of the zodiac, which is precisely why it is the richest and most complex of all. Sensitive to the suffering of others, it responds with goodwill and a willingness to help. They do not like to feel imprisoned and do not respect conventions, just like that, although they do not tend to fight against what is established, they simply go the other way.

Pisces tend to live emotionally rather than rationally, instinctively and intuitively rather than logically. They find it difficult to transmit what they perceive, they do not know how to express it with words but with actions… A key for Pisces is how they get in touch with their sensitivity.

Moreover, although it is often said that Pisces is the sign of naivety, it is their response to the world of sensations they contemplate and perceive that makes them naive or sceptical, two ends of the same rope.

In love, they are faithful, adaptable people who tirelessly seek a union with the mind and spirit of their partner rather than a purely sexual union. They need to dream together with their better half and feel to give pure love and very special sex.

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