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Libra is a cardinal and air sign, it is also among the most refined signs of the zodiac; it has elegance, charm, diplomacy and good taste, loves beauty, is very curious by nature and hates conflict. His negative points are sometimes frivolity and a fickle nature.

Like their own archetype, the scales, symbol of justice, Librans have a highly developed sense of equanimity and tolerance; they understand the positions of others and at the same time try to settle differences. In general, they dislike routine, especially in their work; they also have a fine artistic sensibility which they can channel professionally.

Libra, as an air sign, needs constant intellectual stimulation, reasoning, and interesting and fluid communication in relationships of all kinds.

When it comes to love, romanticism is a constant in their union, as is the search for beauty (both physical and inner or spiritual) and their tendency towards hedonism. Libra has a sublime ability to seduce: a gesture, a glance are innate weapons of seduction.

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