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The sign of Leo is fixed and fiery, also the most dominant sign of the zodiac. Creative and open-minded, they have ambition, courage, strength, autonomy and total self-confidence: they know where they want to go and nothing and no one can stop them. On the other hand, their negative points can be as many as their virtues: vanity, egocentrism, arrogance, imposture and a temper of a thousand demons, among other defects.

Lions are enthusiastic, creative and often sympathetic to the circumstances of others; they love luxury and adventure; taking risks motivates them. They are also characterised by a high regard for everything, especially themselves, so they shy away from vulgarity.

Because they enjoy the thrill of new experiences and love to be in the midst of many people, they are likely to alternate social circles and friendships, although they will never forget their true friendships.

In love, Leo is romantic, somewhat capricious, not very faithful and a prisoner of beauty. In addition, they do not lack sincerity, at least while love lasts, but no longer. Finally, they love sexual relations, so it is very likely that they will have several different partners during their life.

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