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Gemini is a mutable sign that is part of the air element; as the sign of the twins, its character is double and rather contradictory because of its complex nature. On the one hand they are able to adapt easily and quickly to everything, but on the other hand they can be hypocritical. Their common hallmark is communication and wit.

Geminis are restless people who start new projects and challenges with a lot of enthusiasm, but too often lack the necessary constancy to carry them out. They tend to think of life as a game and seek fun and adventure in everything they do; they have the selfishness and imagination of childhood.

They also have strength and vitality, and are intelligent beings, with the ability to express themselves effectively in order to delight, move or persuade (as appropriate) those who listen to their words. They are also affectionate and enjoy the extraordinary and novelty like no other: the more variety in their lives, the better.

They are very emotional, and once again demonstrate their dual nature: on the one hand they are sexually devoted, but on the other hand they reject romance and lose interest easily once they have conquered their partner.

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