Magic Candles

Fire has been used by mankind since the dawn of time, in the ancient Middle Ages, later Persia, there were the guardians of fire, the magicians, who had to keep the sacred flame perpetually lit. This fact is very common in various civilisations; in fact, in all religions fire is used as an element to enhance a prayer, to meditate or to elaborate a ritual. Thus, in magic, it is one of the main elements. The most common way of using it is through candles.

The word candle comes from the Latin candere, which means to shine. And its most common use is to illuminate, both the exterior and our interior. They induce us to meditate and to look inside ourselves.

The use of fire in rituals is as old as its discovery, inducing protection, warmth, relaxation and looking within.

They are believed to have been made by the Egyptians around the 14th century B.C., some historians place them in the 13th century B.C. Their use was common in the Middle Ages, being made from tallow and beeswax.

The Middle Ages was a dark time, and in the rituals, the purpose of the candles was to bring light into this existence; in fact, back then you could only contact the angels at certain times and days in the candle rituals we use on this website, darkness prevailed then and there were only windows of light to contact.

There are countless rituals with candles, the simplest is to light a white candle every day until our wish is fulfilled. But, in general, it is very important the day and the colour to give it more strength and, if the seal is added and it is ritualised, its strength is multiplied, just as we do with our prepared candles.

The fire, the way it burns, the smoke… all these give us clues about the problem to be treated, if it produces smoke and sparks, if the flame oscillates in the absence of wind, if the wick takes a long time to ignite, if it falls downwards and then rises, if at the origin of the wick it glows brighter than normal, if it burns slowly, if it turns around, if it goes out or if the flame grows more intense than normal…

The colours of the candles are related to the signs of the zodiac, the archangels, the angels and the days of the week, therefore also to the ancient Greco-Roman gods and the planets.

Each colour of the candle can be worked on in a planetary way for various purposes which will be explained later.

As for the archangels, each has its own colour, signs and seals, as do the angels of the cabala. We will be looking at each of them in more depth in later articles.

Angel Elemiah Magic Candle

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Archangel Gabriel Magic Candle

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