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Capricorn is a cardinal and earth sign, and one of the most constant, solid and peaceful signs of the zodiac. It is also characterised by prudence and practicality in all matters that concern it. Their more negative aspects tend towards pessimism, fixity and melancholy.

In general, they are hard-working, responsible and willing to persist as long as it takes to achieve their goal; they are also very reliable and have a high degree of patience and endurance to move towards their goals; in this sense, their management skills are astounding. On the other hand, they cannot tolerate dishonesty or lack of discipline.

Capricorn treasures knowledge through experience. They are the wise ones who recognise and value what is necessary from what is not, what persists from what perishes, reality from its representation.

When it comes to love, he sometimes finds relationships difficult, especially with the opposite sex; he needs a lot of dedication. Once they fall in love, though, they tend to be very faithful and somewhat jealous. Capricorn’s reticence stems from their thinking; for the goat, safe sex is the best sex.

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