Web World MKT LLC como titular del sitio web, expone en este apartado la Política de Privacidad en el uso, y sobre la información de carácter personal que el usuario puede facilitar cuando visite o navegue por la página web de nuestra titularidad. En el tratamiento de datos de carácter personal, magicandrituals.com garantiza el cumplimiento de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal y su normativa de desarrollo, Real Decreto 1720/2007, de 21 de diciembre, por el que se aprueba su Reglamento, así como la LSSICE 34/2002, del 11 de julio, de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico. Por lo que informa a todos los usuarios, que los datos remitidos o suministrados a través de la presente serán incorporados a un fichero automatizado debidamente inscrito en la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, en el que el responsable de dicho fichero es:

Web World MKT LLC reserves the right to modify this Data Protection Policy at any time, in order to adapt it to new legislation or changes in its activities, being in force the one published on our website at all times.


By «clicking» on the «Send» button (or equivalent) incorporated in our forms, the user declares that the information and data provided therein are accurate and truthful. In order that the information provided is always up to date and does not contain errors, the User must communicate, as soon as possible, any modifications to their personal data that may occur, as well as any rectifications of erroneous data in the event that any is detected. The User guarantees that the data provided are true, exact, complete and up to date, and is responsible for any direct or indirect damage or harm that may be caused as a consequence of non-compliance with this obligation. Depending on the form or section you access, and according to the information you provide, this will be used for the purposes described below, so you expressly and freely and unequivocally accept the processing of your data in accordance with the following purposes:

1. Those that are particularly indicated on each of the pages or sections where the registration form or electronic contact appears.

2. In general, to deal with your requests, comments, queries or any type of request made by the user through any of the forms of contact that we make available to our users.

3. To inform you about queries, requests, activities, products, news and/or services; via e-mail, fax, Whatsapp, Skipe, telephone provided, sms, mms, and likewise to send you commercial or advertising communications through any other electronic or physical means, which enables communications. These communications will always be related to our products, services, news or promotions, as well as those products or services that we may consider of interest to you and that may be offered by collaborators, companies or partners with whom we have promotion or commercial collaboration agreements. If so, we guarantee that these third parties will never have access to your personal data, with the exceptions reflected herein, being in any case these communications made by casetasdemadera.com.

4. Develop market profiles for advertising or statistical purposes.

5. When you «click» on the button «Buy Now» casetasdemadera.com redirect you to the page where the products are offered that we show the user on our website. casetasdemadera.com only provides and provides the user with links to the pages and / or platforms of these third parties where you can purchase the products we show, in order to facilitate the search and easy acquisition of the same by the user, but in no case these pages linked and belonging to third parties have been reviewed or are subject to controls, or recommendation by casetasdemadera. com, so in no case casetasdemadera.com be held responsible for the contents of these websites, the responsibilities arising from their use in all areas, nor for the measures taken regarding user privacy, processing of personal data or others that may be established.

For all these reasons, casetasdemadera.com recommends the user to read carefully and in advance all the conditions of use, conditions of purchase, privacy policies, legal notices and / or similar of these linked sites before proceeding with the purchase of these products or use of the webs.


In compliance with the LSSI-CE 34/2002, of 11 July, of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that you may at any time revoke the consent given for the sending of commercial communications, just by sending an email to: (e-mail) indicating: UNSUBSCRIBE


magicandrituals.com may hire third parties to perform functions on its behalf in connection with the purposes for which your personal data may be collected, such as analyzing the information provided, hosting websites or similar having access to personal information necessary for the performance of their functions, but may not use such information for any other purpose regulating our relationships with such third parties in a manner that complies with applicable regulations on the protection of personal data.

Our website uses advertising servers in order to provide commercial content that the user views on our pages. These advertising servers use cookies that allow them to adapt the advertising content to the demographic profiles of the users:

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States («Google»). Google Analytics uses «cookies», which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google. Google will use this information on our behalf for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above. Users can access the privacy policy of the content network at https://www.google.com/intl/es/policies/privacy/.

Google Adsense:

Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on this website. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy https://www.google.com/intl/es/policies/privacy/.Google uses advertising partners to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use the information they collect from your visits to this and other websites (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) to provide you with advertisements about products and services of interest to you. By using this website you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

For more information about the use of cookies and information collection practices and the procedures for acceptance or refusal by the user, please see our: COOKIE POLICY.


In the event that you provide us with personal data of third parties, in compliance with the provisions of article 5.4. LOPD, declares to have informed such persons in advance of the content of the data provided, the origin of the same, the existence and purpose of the file containing their data, the recipients of such information, the possibility of exercising rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, as well as the identification data of César Labadía In this sense, it is your sole responsibility to inform of this fact to third parties whose data you are going to give us, not assuming casetasdemadera. com no responsibility for the breach of this precept by the user.



The owner of the data may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting casetasdemadera.com: (email). This request must contain the following information: name and surname, address for the purpose of notifications, photocopy of ID card or passport.


magicandrituals.com has adopted all the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data it processes, as well as to avoid its loss, alteration and/or access by unauthorised third parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user acknowledges and accepts that Internet security measures are not impregnable.

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