Angel elemiah candle

Angel Elemiah Magic Candle

Elemiah means “Hidden God“, this angel has a feminine characteristic. She belongs to the choir of the seraphim (specifically, she is the fourth angel of the choir). She is therefore an angel of the sphere Kether, ruled by the archangel Metatron.

Hebrew name: ע למ

The best place for her invocation is east and her colour is red. Each angel has a related Tarot card, in the case of Elemiah, it is the 3 of Wands.

Elemiah teaches us our way in life and new ways of doing things when we feel stuck, as he helps us to find solutions we have never thought of before to our everyday problems.

Elemiah eliminates negative thoughts by meditating on her name and helps us to be more joyful and see things differently without letting negativity rule our lives.

Angel Elemiah

It is good for fighting anxiety as it relieves emotional and spiritual pain.

It protects us from journeys and accidents and shows us the right path. Also in our work or in our company it can save us from a crisis in that respect.

By granting protection, it also protects us from spells, curses and incantations, or simply from the so-called evil eye, envy and evil thoughts that others may have against us. By protecting us from this, it also reveals traitors or simply those who wish us harm and are close to us.

Angel elemiah candle
Angel Elemiah Candle

Elemiah helps us, by cleansing our aura and negativity, to contact our higher self.

Elemiah helps us to open our minds to new ideas and to stop clinging to our own without listening and learning the new ways of doing things that others propose to us.

Zodiacally it belongs to Aries and the planet Sun,

His psalm to invoke him is Psalm 6:

“Turn God, take back my soul, save me for your love’s sake”.

A good way to call him is to use his candle with his seals (sigils) and his name in Malachim alphabet. The best days to call him are from the 5th to the 9th of April and in the daily cycle the first hour after sunrise for 20 minutes.

Would you like to have a magic candle of the angel Elemiah? Fill in the form and we will tell you how to get it.

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